Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Oh how they grow!

We have had all sorts of bunny commotion... but those pix won't load, so that story will have to wait till another time when the computer doesn't want to hate me!
However, I realized after my last post that Kyle had a complete update, but I haven't discussed all of Riley's growth and new discoveries in the past 4 months!
She, like Kyle, has shot right up! I'm not sure how much she has grown, but everything is way too short and our rolly-polly little girl is no where to be found. Riley has discovered that she loves to bike (with training wheels still, but not for long!) roller skate, jump rope, and play tennis! She is still taking dance class and loves it but misses gymnastics more (so we'll be back at the gym come the fall). She is also reading, adding and subtracting proficiently, can tie bows, and work the seat belt (finally!). She is still super sweet and nearly too compassionate and is the mother hen to both Kyle and Lexa as always!
We had kindergarten registration recently and Riley (and me!) are soooo excited about going to school! She loves the idea that school is 5 days a week instead of her current 2!
My favorite Riley quote of late: I was taking her temp - she had a quick virus, nothing to worry about. When I looked at the thermometer, Ri said, "Does it say I'm not going anywhere?!" She cracks us up!

Riley at the strawberry patch

Riley and Kyle at 3 Lakes Park

Ready for a ride (this was back in February - look how cute they are with teeth... I'll get to that story some time!)

at the strawberry patch
Costumes came in today! Riley still doesn't enjoy play dress up, so as you can tell, this is very much a forced smile! We are very excited about cousin Danny getting married this summer in Vermont! however the wedding is the same day as the recital, so this may be Ri's only costume wear (which she is totally fine with!!)

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