Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Monkey-man!!

The Surratt Pack is BACK! After a 4 month break we have decided to come back... I'm not sure what happened... I got busy, got bored, got sidetracked... but either way, I was tired of detailing out the craziness of our weeks. We stay busy. That is a fact and I got tired of writing the blow by blow of our weeks when really, what I should be doing is detailing out all the GREAT stuff the kids do and say - so they can come back to this some day (or I can!) and remember all the super sweet moments of their little lives. Which is why we are BACK! I went looking for a specific pix the other day on this blog and got sucked in on all the memories... the kids have grown soooo much even since we started this blog and thats what this blog is all about - watching Riley and Kyle grow and turn into amazing people!

So... Happy Third Birthday little man!! We can't belive you are THREE!!! You are amazing! Fearless (which is why you have no teeth, I'll get back to that story!), loving, sweet, compassionate, and sooo full of life!

Kyle is now in the 75th % for height (38.25 inches) and 50th % in weight (33 lbs). I was worried about this balance (Kyle falls ALOT - also back to the teeth story, which I'll get to in the coming days!) so I asked Dr. Chun about it. The Doc had kyle do a bunch of tests (jumping, balancing etc) As it turns out, Kyle is more agile and more daring than he should be for his age (and THAT was the diagnosis!) Kyle is also speaking beyond his age and his comprehension is excellent (we, the parents, are not sure we believe that one... his listening skills with us is not where we'd like it!) Not long ago, Darcy asked Kyle, "do you ever have a thought you DON'T say out loud?" Kyle paused, shook his head and replied, "nope!" and kept on running!
All in all, K is a love bug and we are not sure how we got soooo lucky!!

K looking oh so serious!

Pinata - remind in future years NOT to get a pinata!
Kyle sporting his new CARs shirt!
Kyle and the Lightning McQueen cake

The CAKE! Months back, I helped organize the Thumbs Up Ball in honor/memory of CJ Reynolds, a 4 year old little girl in our area who lost her battle with cancer. At the Ball, we had a GREAT silent auction. And as we all know, Grandma LOVES silent auctions. Grandma bid on and won a cake (an expensive cake!) from Cakes by Favi and this is what we asked her to make! It definitely surpasses the racetrack sheet cake I was going to make but thats what is coming next year:-) Thanks Grandma!!

We had a little close friends/family party for Kyle. It was hot so there was lots of water play, pizza, icecream sundaes and of course cake!
Here comes the slip-n-slide! Lexa and Aiden were CRAZY on this thing!
Look at where Ri is... beyond the slide... Look at Lexa's face... we ALL know Riley being covered in mud and wet grass is NOT going to go over well:-)
Post party play!

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