Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Birthday Bash(s)

This past weekend was all about birthdays! Most importantly, Happy Birthday to Eric!! Friday night we celebrated at our favorite birthday spot, Texas Roadhouse, with Bebe, Mamo, Grandma, Papa Lou, Darcy, Mike, & Lexa with yummy food and the mandatory, embarrassing restaurant/staff YEEE-HAWWW! After dinner we feasted on Strawberry cake, with strawberry frosting, fresh strawberries, and of course strawberry ice-cream on the side - prepared by Bebe & Riley. Bebe allowed Riley to pick all the flavors and evidentially strawberries were in fashion this past week!

Saturday, Eric's actual birthday, we "surprised" Eric with breakfast in bed. The term surprise or secret is used loosely in our house. Riley feels that as long as the surprise is whispered, it is still a surprise - even when telling the birthday boy himself! Breakfast was followed with a fun filled princess party for our friend Molly who turned 4 and after naps a pizza party for Patrick who turned 3. Riley was thrilled to have pizza and cake for lunch and dinner.

Riley and Kyle both had 2 wonderful days at school and a fun filled day with Bebe. Riley LOVES her "new school", even though it is not new anymore and jumps right in as though we were leaving her with family. Kyle, as always, just rolls with the punches - by far the most laid back baby I've ever known. He is start to get around a while lot more and we see trouble looming in the near future!
Have a great week!!
Grandma, Lexa, & Kyle

Bebe, Mamo, & Riley (eating Lemons)

Strawberry Cake! Riley, Lexa, & Eric

Trouble! This was newly folded, clean laundry!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Dreaded Dance - Part 1

Many of you remember the years and years Tracy spent forcing her family to sit though recitals and competitions, not to mention the hundreds of dollars worth of classes, shoes, and costumes, therefore one would think that paybacks would be hell and our daughter would be the craving the spot light from birth… but (luckily) that is FAR from reality!!! The mere mention of dance class makes Riley cringe; however the fact that Lexa will be in class dancing with her is all that keeps her going!

Riley and Lexa are going to begin a 6 week dance class in March so this past weekend, Darcy and Tracy took the girls on a shopping adventure for ballet shoes, tap shoes and leotards and then out for a girls only pizza dinner. Riley has been exited for the tap shoes and enjoyed trying them on but began to pout when it was time to try on ballet shoes. When we got to Target and found all the adorable leotards, Lexa was so excited she nearly stripped down in the cart, whereas Riley began to legitimately cry while trying them on. We are afraid it is going to be a long six weeks… more to follow in 2 weeks…

Plain-ole MAD at Mommy for making her try on the leotard AGAIN!
(this was the only leotard that she was even sort of ok with purchasing)
Hiding in the corner b/c she hates the outfit so much!

Monday, February 18, 2008


The week of Valentines concluded with a great party at school for Riley including fun treats and valentines from all her friends! I imagine that Kyle also got to do some partying on Thursday; however valentines and candy were not exchanged… but Kyle did receive his 1st “bite” notice! As much as we do not condone biting, I feel like I have to defend the poor little 9 month old kid, considering he only has 2 teeth (with 2 more breaking through as we speak) therefore anything put near his mouth is bound to get bit – so watch out! :-)

Kyle was also nicknamed “Juicy” this week at school in relation to his CONSTANT drooling! As much as we’d like to blame the water works on teething, we honestly think we just have a drooler (and now a biter too!) Also, a big thank you to Grandma, Papa, Bebe, & Mamo for all the great valentine goodies! Kyle and Riley are 2 super lucky grandkids!!

Today was extra exciting – Eric, Tracy, Riley, and Kyle joined Aunt Darcy and Lexa for at trip to the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus! Everyone had an amazing time and Riley TALKED through the entire show! Maybe it was no nap or all the excitement or the cotton candy (which was a 1st and a huge hit with both girls!)… what ever it was kept Ri’s mouth running a mile a minute!

And now for what you came for… Pictures (be sure to check out the Umstead Update for additional pix)
Eric & Riley entering the circus

Riley posing with one of the circus performers (she is happier than she looks!)

Tracy & Kyle (in ergo)Aunt Darcy & Lexa

Lexa & cotton candy!!
Riley & cotton candy!! Tracy & Kyle (sound asleep during the show)
Kyle at the park - notice the 2 teeth and the drool in the next pix!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Chubby Feet

The week of Valentines began today! Riley celebrated Valentines Day with her Monday playgroup with lots of tasty treats, crafts, and fun! Most importantly, Riley got to wear her new sparkly pink shoes! These shoes were purchased in honor of Riley’s foot changing from an extra-wide 8 to a regular 9, therefore allowing us to buy cheap shoes for the 1st time in Riley’s adorably-chubby-footed life!

Kyle appears to be recovered from his ailments earlier this week and Riley managed to sneak though without catching it (knock on wood!). On Friday we met up Molly and Emory to play at the park and enjoy yet another unseasonably beautiful February day! On Saturday Tracy, Riley, and Kyle went to Aunt Darcys house for the kids to play and the moms to clean their matching mini-vans and Eric played golf for the 1st time in a long while. That afternoon we went to Layla’s 3rd birthday party and with wildfire blowing winds on Sunday, we decided to lay low!
Have a great week!
Kyle helping to clean mom's minivan
Riley & Lexa
Uncle Mike babysitting the girls! (kidding!)

Ahhh... biter biscuit, how wonderful!
Post biter biscuit... bathtime!
New shoes!

Making music at playgroup.
Riley on Drums, Rachel on guitar and Theo on Monkey noises

Duffy & Riley enjoying LOTs of goodies (pre-lunch)
Riley can't wait for a train table in her own house.
Good thing Kyle came along!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Do I look sick to you??

This week was Kyle’s 9 month well baby check up… emphasis on “well baby”! As it turns out, he has a double ear infection and the RSV is back! Mommy and Daddy were as surprised as Kyle, considering he is eating like a horse and sleeping 12 hours at night without waking at all!! Aside from 2 days of a runny nose, there is no sign of illness and if we went to the doctor with every runny nose, we’d live there!

Aside from a strange doctors appointment, the week was great. Riley is still feverishly proud of being a big sister and when told she was “such a great helper” for keeping Kyle happy during a squirmy diaper change, her response was that that she was not “a helper… I’m a big SISTER!”. Evidently nothing trumps being a big sister! Kyle is growing up too fast and pushed himself to his feet (kind of standing) for the first time. Wonderful weather brought a spur of the moment BBQ with the Harlows on Saturday and on Sunday Lexa spent the afternoon playing with us.

Enjoy the pix!


and he's UP (kind of!)

Riley looking way too grown up

Kyle playing with his birthday-buddy, Hunter
(they were born the same day)

Riley and Chase being silly!

Riley & Lexa at the playground
Seesaw fun

Kyle swinging (seriously, does he look sick?)

This video is AFTER being diagnosed with a double ear infection and RSV - is he acting sick to you??