Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Do I look sick to you??

This week was Kyle’s 9 month well baby check up… emphasis on “well baby”! As it turns out, he has a double ear infection and the RSV is back! Mommy and Daddy were as surprised as Kyle, considering he is eating like a horse and sleeping 12 hours at night without waking at all!! Aside from 2 days of a runny nose, there is no sign of illness and if we went to the doctor with every runny nose, we’d live there!

Aside from a strange doctors appointment, the week was great. Riley is still feverishly proud of being a big sister and when told she was “such a great helper” for keeping Kyle happy during a squirmy diaper change, her response was that that she was not “a helper… I’m a big SISTER!”. Evidently nothing trumps being a big sister! Kyle is growing up too fast and pushed himself to his feet (kind of standing) for the first time. Wonderful weather brought a spur of the moment BBQ with the Harlows on Saturday and on Sunday Lexa spent the afternoon playing with us.

Enjoy the pix!


and he's UP (kind of!)

Riley looking way too grown up

Kyle playing with his birthday-buddy, Hunter
(they were born the same day)

Riley and Chase being silly!

Riley & Lexa at the playground
Seesaw fun

Kyle swinging (seriously, does he look sick?)

This video is AFTER being diagnosed with a double ear infection and RSV - is he acting sick to you??

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