Monday, February 18, 2008


The week of Valentines concluded with a great party at school for Riley including fun treats and valentines from all her friends! I imagine that Kyle also got to do some partying on Thursday; however valentines and candy were not exchanged… but Kyle did receive his 1st “bite” notice! As much as we do not condone biting, I feel like I have to defend the poor little 9 month old kid, considering he only has 2 teeth (with 2 more breaking through as we speak) therefore anything put near his mouth is bound to get bit – so watch out! :-)

Kyle was also nicknamed “Juicy” this week at school in relation to his CONSTANT drooling! As much as we’d like to blame the water works on teething, we honestly think we just have a drooler (and now a biter too!) Also, a big thank you to Grandma, Papa, Bebe, & Mamo for all the great valentine goodies! Kyle and Riley are 2 super lucky grandkids!!

Today was extra exciting – Eric, Tracy, Riley, and Kyle joined Aunt Darcy and Lexa for at trip to the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus! Everyone had an amazing time and Riley TALKED through the entire show! Maybe it was no nap or all the excitement or the cotton candy (which was a 1st and a huge hit with both girls!)… what ever it was kept Ri’s mouth running a mile a minute!

And now for what you came for… Pictures (be sure to check out the Umstead Update for additional pix)
Eric & Riley entering the circus

Riley posing with one of the circus performers (she is happier than she looks!)

Tracy & Kyle (in ergo)Aunt Darcy & Lexa

Lexa & cotton candy!!
Riley & cotton candy!! Tracy & Kyle (sound asleep during the show)
Kyle at the park - notice the 2 teeth and the drool in the next pix!

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