Sunday, December 7, 2008

No More Santa

Over all, everyone is healthy (aside from runny noses and fluctuating temps!) and great! Kyle's vocabulary is growing everyday. According to his doctor, he has many more words than he is supposed to at this age, however, we still consider him a man of few words. He understands everything you ask of him, however he pretends not to understand most of the time:-) Kyle loves to run and jump and his legs move faster than his body most of the time!!

Riley continues to be a sweet, (very) sensitive, and smart little girl! She hears and understands more than we want her to and makes us laugh constantly! Riley currently is obsessed with hand me down black patten leather shoes that have a little heal. She puts them on as soon as she wakes up and tries to wear them everywhere! Since they are an entire size too big and not so good for playing, Riley has only worn them out to church. However as soon as we get back into the house, she changes her shoes back to the "heals".

During this fun, exciting, overwhelming holiday season, we are so thankful to have such wonderful children, families, and friends!
This is a bad time of year to skip a week of blogging... hopefully our many fun activities can be discussed easier through pix! Enjoy!

Riley's new look - This was at Bebe's house for a delicious and fun Thanksgiving dinner!

Kyle, Riley & Bebe on Thanksgiving dayRiley and Kyle back home after a long fun Thanksgiving day
We decorated the tree the weekend after thanksgiving. Riley LOVED every moment, including all of the stories that went along with nearly every moment.

Kyle, on the other hand, had no interest decorating the tree, but he did enjoy the wedgits while we decorated! We had a great dinner at Aunt Darcy and Uncle Mikes that weekend as well. The kids got to spend more time with Grandma and Papa and enjoyed playing dress up (even Kyle!)

We visited Santa at Bass Pro. Riley was all about telling Santa that she had been such a good girl and really wanted (more) twin baby dolls. Kyle enjoyed Santa as long as Tracy was holding him. Once sitting in Santa's lap he just screamed!

Tracy attempted to get a holiday photo card pix, without success. Ri was a cute little ham, but Kyle would not cooperate!

The Jingle Bell Jamboree was this past week and Riley got to sit on Santa's lap again!

Kyle and Ruthie at the Jingle Bell Jamboree - don't they look so grown up!!??

Our good friends, Lindsey and Drew, came for a visit as well! Kyle is back into his "camera smile", as seen below.

Riley, Tracy, Lexa and Aunt Darcy also had lunch with Santa...

Where Riley got to sit on Santa's lap AGAIN!!

We also toured some of the tacky lights in our area and just about finished our Christmas shopping!

Kyle's new word on Thanksgiving was "pack back" and for what ever reason, it cracked us all up!

Lexa has been learning tons of new songs and sang many of them for us during Thanksgiving dinner - she is so cute!

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