Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Checking out

Riley and Kyle had a great week of being spoiled rotten by Grandma and Papa! Tracy had surgery on her foot last week, so Grandma and Papa came to town to help out and play with the kids and they were ALL worn out! Riley was a wonderful nurse to her mama and helped out whenever possible, including holding Tracy's arm as she bumped from stair to stair on her bottom on her few ventures down stairs! Kyle wasn't sure what to do with mom laying down all day. At first he cuddled with her and then he tried making her get up by pulling her head upward. Eventually, he gave up and just enjoyed all the attention of his grandparents.

It was a cold weekend, so Grandma and Papa played inside a lot and took the kids to the mall to play. Riley got to see Madagascar and Papa even took Kyle out on his own for some quality guy time. Aunt Darcy was planning on taking Lexa and Riley to cousin Ians 2nd birthday party Sunday night, but Cosmo ended up at the emergency vet and of course Tracy was still in no shape to move, so the girls had to miss all the fun. Good news though, we found out today that Cosmo is doing MUCH better and the Umsteads hope to bring Cosmo home on Thanksgiving!! We are thinking about you Cosie!

A big and special thank you to Grandma and Papa for all their wonderful help! And also to Eric for taking on all the Tracy duties for the last week and for being such a great nurse:-) And to Bebe for all the wonderful food! And to all of Tracy's friends for their warm wishes, goodies, thoughts, and prayers! On the cusp of Thanksgiving, the Surratt Pack is so thankful to be surrounded by such wonderful family and friends!

And on to the few pix that were taken this week:

Riley & Kyle being silly!

Papa relaxing after the kids were asleep - with Taz -

Taz always finds the one person who can't stand cats!

The kids attacking Papa.

Riley and Kyle playing Honey Bee Hop!

Kyle playing independently (with Riley laughing in the background)

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