Saturday, December 31, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all!!  What a day!!  It started by everyone sleeping in!  In fact, I was the first awake at 7:30!  Yes, 7:30!!  When your kids have gotten up at 6am for years upon years, 7:30, especially on Christmas morning, feels like noon!  The kids patiently waited for daddy to make sure Santa had already left the building and then they charged!  (see blurred pic below)

For the last couple years, Santa has left a little gift at each childs door in the morning - what a happy surprise!  Both kids received new clothes for their build-a-bears (pjs, fluffy vest/boots and a spiderman costume).
 Demo time!
 Stocking time - Glue sticks!!  Exactly what Riley asked for!!
 Later that day everyone came over for a great dinner and much more fun! 

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