Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May Catch up!

Playing catch up... in no particular order, the last month of Riley and Kyle:

Soccer: Kyle loves it! He would much rather play the game than practice

(which happens to be the absolute opposite of Riley!)

We have baby birds in a bush right off the deck! Spring is here!

We have all loved watching them grow! What a great experience!

This is a GIANT ball you roll inside of! Thanks Aunt Darcy!

On Kyles actual bday, we went to a May Day festival in Bebe's neighborhood. Below is a series of pix of Kyle dancing... he was nuts!

Below is Riley and Lexa doing the sack race!

Moon bounce!


For Kyle's 4th bday party, we went to Jump Zone - insanity!

Batman cake! Kyle is not 36.5 pounds and 41.5 inches

He had soooo much fun!

Spring break was in the past month as well. We took the kids up to DC for the day:

The Butterfly exhibit at the Natural History Museum

The Washington Monument

The best part - the metro ride!

The ride there (they were up EARLY because they were so excited!)

random cute pix from church!

Such a cutie - enjoying a beautiful spring night!

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