Saturday, December 31, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all!!  What a day!!  It started by everyone sleeping in!  In fact, I was the first awake at 7:30!  Yes, 7:30!!  When your kids have gotten up at 6am for years upon years, 7:30, especially on Christmas morning, feels like noon!  The kids patiently waited for daddy to make sure Santa had already left the building and then they charged!  (see blurred pic below)

For the last couple years, Santa has left a little gift at each childs door in the morning - what a happy surprise!  Both kids received new clothes for their build-a-bears (pjs, fluffy vest/boots and a spiderman costume).
 Demo time!
 Stocking time - Glue sticks!!  Exactly what Riley asked for!!
 Later that day everyone came over for a great dinner and much more fun! 

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas events - 2011

 December has been sooo much fun and packed filled with activities and excitement!  Kyle is still obsessed with football and is beyond excited about going to a VCU basketball game with Daddy next week.  Riley loves school and her teacher would like her to test for GT.  No matter the outcome of the tests, we think it is an honor that her teacher feels she is qualified! 
The very best way to remember the month is through pictures:

Scout came back and had a blast getting into trouble and hiding from the kids but he was always watching!!

Aunt Darcy took the kids to see a VERY lit up home near their home - this one was on TLC!
Riley also finished up 10 weeks of Kids Jazzercise! She loved it and the group did a performance for us at the end of class - Adorable!!

Riley made gingerbread houses in school and Grandma and Papa send yummy cookies!!
Riley's holiday party at school in PJ's!                         Eric and me at the neighborhood Gala:

We also visited Santa and Mrs. Clause!  Santa also came to the neighborhood on the Firetruck again.  Every year, we can hear the truck and we wait and wait and wait... and it is COLD!  However this year, it was beautiful out but it didn't matter b/c the Firetruck nearly started at our house therefore we almost missed him all together!
 And we went Christmas Caroling in the neighborhood! 

 We also visiting Lewis Ginters Festival of Lights with our Daisy Troop!

 Daddy and Jack took the kids down to the Richmond Christmas Parade  (while I was visiting Grandma after shoulder surgery)  I think I see a new tradition!!  Look at Rudolf with the big band aid... in last years parade he hit a stop light and deflated!

Riley also had 2 teeth pulled and a bunch of other stuff - now she has a spacer.  She was so brave!

Riley and I also had tea at Feathernesters - such a fun afternoon!

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Yes, it rained on our Halloween - it rained a LOT and we learned that cleat and wet driveways don't mix!  However we jumped from house to house for almost an hour before the big rains started and got lots of loot!  The kids had a blast (even in the rain... different story for the parents!)

Riley was a belly dancer, Lexa a pink pirate, and Kyle was Troy Polamalu - hair and all! As always, Ri hated dressing up and searched to find the most comfortable costume (this one you step right into - similar to one piece PJs!)  She is already hoping for a similar costume for next year, however in the form of a bunny. 

Kyle has entered a new phase of life (that I'm not sure ever ends, considering Eric is still in this phase as well!)  He lives, breathes, and sleeps football!  All he ever wants to do is play, watch, or discuss football.  He already knows more about the game and players than I do! (ok, that probably isn't saying too much!)  It is hilarious!  He has also decided, that although he really liked soccer, he liked t-ball more, and he is sure he'll like football the most (once he gets to start playing on a team!)

Halloween playdate with Grace!

 Another update on Riley - she got her 1st First Grade report card and received all "S's", which is as good as it gets!  According to her teacher, she is above grade level and a pleasure to have in class!  
We ran into Cami, the young vampire, at the neighborhood parade

Are you scared, I know I am!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Our baby girl turns 7!!

It is beyond crazy to think that our baby girl is 7 already!!  She amazes us every day with her amazing amount of insight and huge heart!!

This year, Ri and 8 friends (including Kyle and Lexa of course!) went to build-a-bear and then back to our house for pizza and cupcakes.  Riley didn't want a cake this year - she and all the kids decorated their own cupcakes (one to eat now and one for later!)  It was a fun (and loud) evening!!

We love you Riley!!

(note from Eric - the Steelers last played and beat the Patriot, with Brady playing for the Patriots, three days after Riley was born until this past weekend - 3 days after Ri's bday, the Steelers beat the Patriots!!)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Pumpkin Picking!!

Year 7 at Ashland Berry Farm on Columbus Day!!  and just like most pumpkin picking years, it was HOT!  The kids had more fun this year than I ever remember!!  They ran and picked and repicked and ran some more!!  The donuts were delicious and the bee's annoying!!  Love, love, love pumpkin picking day!!

Fernando, Riley, Caroline, Kyle, Lauren, & Lily!  they lined up in tall to small by accident:-)

Friday, October 21, 2011

School is back IN!

 School is back in!! Riley is now in 1st grade and still loves school!  There have been two times this year when she has asked to stay home to play... which NEVER happened in kindergarten however she has also expressed that they do more work and play less in 1st grade so thats probably the reason!

When school 1st got started both kids were sick.  Kyle was snotty as usual and ended up getting a 2nd set of tubes and Ri, who is NEVER sick ended up on an antibiotic!  One evening while Eric was prepping the kids for bed, Ri attemped to open a bottle of kids cough syrup.  Without any luck she hands it to Eric so proceeds to easily open it, pour, and distribute.  Ri was floored and asked, "Daddy, how did you do that?  When I turned the top it just went 'click, click, click'!"  Eric explained that the cap is child proof.  Riley paused to think and then asked Eric, "But how did it know I'm a child?"
I just LOVE how this little one thinks!!
 1st day of school!
This is one of the pix Ri left for us at her desk for back to school night
(yes, she finally has a desk instead of a table!!  by far one of the best parts of 1st grade for Riley!!)
 Kyle is now in Pre-K with Ms. Julie (same teacher Ri had) and seems to love it!  He also finally started to play t-ball!!!  He loves it - even more than soccer!  Since he considered himself a rock start soccer player, we figured he'd have the same opinion of tball.  However after the 1st game, he expressed how much fun it was but also said, "but I'm not dat good at hitting, I'll need to practice!"  We are very proud of him and his desire to rock on the field!