Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Golf-widows Weekend

As the majority of fall weeks go, ours was packed full of fun!
Before the rain came in this week, we spent a lot of time outside! Eric left for a golf trip on Thursday so it was all about me and the kids and we did everything we could to keep it fun! Friday night was a social event for Kyle's school. The event was at Crump Park and Johnathan the Juggler (Ri's Favorite guy!) and the hot dog guy were there and the kids played hard with their school friends and teachers! After Crump park, we dropped Riley off for a sleep over with Lexa at Uncle Mikes house and Nate came over to play with Kyle - it was a fun and late night!
Riley and Kyle playing at Crump Park
I get dizzy looking at this pix!
Kyle is LOVING soccer - he still thinks he rocks at the game and honestly, he is getting better and better each week.
Down he goes in this pix - this happens often! He really throws himself into the game!

Look at his face - so intense! Grayson is the boy in yellow with the ball - he is one of K's best buds from school.
The boy in blue is really good - I over head him tell his dad that he was "giving the other kids a chance" once when his dad questioned why he wasn't in the mix at that moment. But look at Kyle, trying hard!

Kyle with his two Buds, Grayson and Nate.
That afternoon, we crashed the backyard of the Scholtens - There were 6 of the 8 golf widows and a couple other friends - I think it totalled 19 kids!
This pix is Riley and one of Jill and Byrons beautiful girls chillin out!

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