Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Birthday beginnings

The birthday frenzy continues! Riley had a blast at Pump It Up again on Saturday and Kyle had just as much fun at a separate birthday party at Romp N Roll too! Unfortunately, was cold and wet all weekend so t-ball was cancelled, but that gave Riley even more time to enjoy with Bebe and Eric as they shopped Toy-R-Us for Ri's 5th birthday and had a nice dinner out together!

Kyle had a fun play date with his buddy, Cerys on Sunday while Tracy and Riley shopped for a new leotard to get ready for Riley's gymnastics birthday party this Saturday!!

The weather has finally cleared up and the kids enjoyed playing tennis today - we hope there are a few more nice afternoons for biking and tennis still before the real winter comes in!! Between Halloween events and Riley's birthday party events, we will have TONs of pix coming soon!

Riley at dance with her teacher, Ms. Amy.
Ms. Amy commented this week how impressed she is with how much Riley retains!
We've always said, she has the mind of an elephant!
Kyle under the parachute at Romp-n-roll

The following are beach pix from our vacation to Emerald Isle in September... it took me this long to get them off my camera and organize them!

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