Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Play Ball!

Still behind, busy, but happy! Tracy is heading out of town for work this morning so Eric is on his own as Mr. Mom!!
Here are a few pix until there is more time to catch up on all the fun!

Riley and Lexa have begun to play t-ball! They are too cute, but have the attention span of nats!
They are also the only girls on the team

Kyle cries at the beginning of each game and practice b/c he wants so desperately to play!
Pink, pink, pink! Riley seems to have a bit of stage fright - after hitting, she kind of shuffles to base instead of running... it is extremely frustrating to Tracy... however, Tracy is working on being a better mom and just laughing like everyone else:-)
Kyle has a lot of buddies out at the field. John, Duffy, and Aiden are on the same team as the girls so Ruthie, Ben, Kate, and Ivy are out at the games and practice.
They look like they are concentrating... but normally they are playing in the dirt or twirling!
childrens museum with Mommy, Daddy, Ri, and the O'Sullivans
Ri making a masterpiece at CmOR

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