Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I should have learned my lesson already, but once again I'm behind by a couple weeks and they have been FUN weeks! We have gone to Kings Dominion a few times - once with Darcy and Lexa, once on our own, and once with the Best's and Haley's and had TONs of fun each time! Kyle talks about roller coasters constantly and both kids have gotten crazy in the water!

We have also frequented our pool and Bebe's pool - both kids are little fish and love jumping in. We also visited our friend Caroline's pool and volunteered with the MOM's club to work our won Anthem Lemon-Aid stand at the club house. Riley loved getting "customers" and our club raised over $200!

Of course we also had playgroup a couple times with all our buddies and had playdates at our house with a few different friends and Lexa. Riley also had a pool birthday party, we had our friends the O'Sullians over for dinner, and we all visited Lewis Ginter with the Sproulls to see the butterflies! But all of this can better be told in pix! Enjoy!

Lexa, Kyle, & Riley in the wave pool
Riley at the water area of Lewis Ginter

Riley, Molly, and Kyle at LG
Riley and Molly exploring the gardens at LG
Kyle checking out all the butter flies at Lewis Ginter
Riley checking out a butterfly!
Jeffery, Molly, Emory, Kyle (with football) and Riley at LG
Kyle at KD - Kyle hung with Tracy and the babies (Ben 9months and Jake 1.5 years) while the "big kids" rode the flume ride with all the other moms and dads.
Kyle, Eric, and Riley
Ri is up front with her hands up - Kyle (also hands up)
and Eric in the next row and Julie and Ruthie behind them!
This is Cerys holding her Kyle manikin doll... LOL!!
Kyle, Ivy, Riley, and Aiden working the Anthem Lemon-Aid stand
Ivy and Kyle on the see-saw out back
Kyle and Riley finally got that plane in the air!!

On the Eiffel Tower
Cerys and Kyle being silly

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