The weekend was perfect and we spent it outside as much as possible. Friday's playgroup was at Crump park for lots of running around and lunch with the geese. Friday night we met Bebe, Aunt Darcy, and Lexa at Toys-r-us so that Kyle could pick out his own birthday gift from Bebe. He instantly fell in love with a toy STOP sign that is about his height. Bebe couldn't resist and purchased the sign, a new helmet, and a very exciting t-ball set for Kyle and beautiful barbies for both girls! Thank you Bebe - the kids are thrilled with all their goodies! After the toy store, we headed out for a delicious birthday dinner in celebration of Tracy's 34th birthday.
Saturday began with a 10 mile walk for Tracy and then the entire family was off to soccer and then Kings Dominion with the Umsteads. What a fun day! The kids plowed through naps and we all had a great time! The weather was perfect and we are all looking forward to many fun days at KD this summer!
The kids first look at Kings Dominion this year

Kyle and Daddy

Kyle and Aunt Darcy on the new "Americana" ferris wheel
I'm not sure Tracy or Darcy will be riding that one again!

Sunday lunch out on the deck.
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