We have had an "Eggs"trodinary week which included not one, not two, but three easter egg hunts! The first with the Mom's club, the second through the county but out by Aunt Darcy's house and the third with Grace - the 1st Annual GCPC Easter Egg Hunt! (Tracy helped Julie (childrens ministry director) organize the event! )
School is still going great. Riley's "best friend" is no longer in her class but it doesn't seem to bother her and she seems to love and be loved by many others. She informed me this week there her boyfriend is "a boy" (picture her saying this quietly with a goofy little grin... Scary!)! We have still not met this boy but plan to seek him out when we are back at school Tuesday:-) Riley still loves to color and is writing words and adding well. She can subtract simple numbers as well.
Riley has always been a sensitive and very compassionate little girl but it was really apparent this weekend at dace class. One of the little girls in her class was upset about not being about to dance b/c she forgot her ballet slippers. Riley didn't have tights on her feet so she could dance barefoot and gave the little girl her slippers to wear without batting an eye. Aunt Darcy later rewarded her with a sucker:-) Later that day, another little girl at the egg hunt didn't find one of the "special" eggs that won you a prize so Riley gave her Kyles special egg (obviously Kyle didn't know or care!) and both little girls were beyond happy, which truly make Ri happy as well!
For a truly amusing story about Ri, click on the Umstead Update link to the right.
Kyle, on the other hand, is turning into a little devil but a darn cute one!! He has discovered the joys of throwing a tantrum! Granted his only last about 30 seconds, but no matter how long, they are hilarious! He puts his head on the floor and kicks his legs and then pops up and is over it! We did discover today that 3 out of 4 of his "eye" teeth (I have no idea what they are really called!) have popped though so maybe this new attitude will end once they finish coming though - but we are not holding our breath! The amount of words he is using has exploded and he is stringing words together a lot more often now as well - his favorite "my 2 orange shirts" - he is obsessed with orange shirts!
So now for the good stuff - pictures!
Kyle sleeping with "girl baby" and "boy baby".
He doesn't go anywhere without of them now a days!

Riley and Lexa with the Easter Bunny in Montpelier. Kyle only wanted to say hi!

Can you feel the love!?

Lexa and Riley off for eggs - at both egg hunts Riley followed Lexa everywhere she went!

Kyle finding eggs

Kyle asleep in a big boy bed at Darcy's for the 1st time.
(I love sleeping babies!)

Eating sweet treats after the Grace Egg hunt

Lexa and Riley looking for eggs at the Grace Hunt

New toy! We had beautiful weather!!

Kyle bonded with Uncle Mike all day at the Grace Egg hunt.
(notice "baby boy" is in his hand!)

Riley got a butterfly tattoo at the Grace Egg Hunt
we had face painting as well, but she still doesn't go for that!

Riley at her last dance class

No slippers b/c she had lent them out!

We pulled out the yellow play doe sheet for 2 hours of fun!!

I tried to get Kyles tantrum on video - there is a little leg kicking going on here!