Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Welcome Fall!

We have had a great week! This past weekend, Grandma and Papa came to visit and watch the girls awesome soccer skills!! Riley and Kyle loves having Grandma and Papa around all weekend. Riley and Grandma played school a LOT while Kyle continued to tackle Papa. Sammi (Grandma and Papas puppy) loved playing with Buster and surprisingly, Buster loved playing as well.

Soccer is going great - both girls are surprising us with their skills and they are having a lot of fun! Kyle's 9th tooth has finally broken through (a molar!!) This explains why he has woken up in the middle of the night 4 of the last 6 nights... too bad Tracy & Eric didn't figure out the waking was a result of the tooth earlier - now Motrin keeps him happy through the night!

School update: Kyle has also moved up to the toddler room at school. His transition has been great and he loves playing with the big kids. Riley had her first field trip this week and Tracy joined her. She had a great time with her friends and loved having mommy there to play as well!

Visit to the lake with our neighborhood friends - the ducks were being crazy and the kids couldn't get enough!

Riley's 1st time on the school bus on her way to Maymont Park for her 1st field trip!
(sitting with BFF, Brianna)
Can you see the Two Bears?!
Riley's preschool class (Riley is on the ground on the right)
Lunch with BFF, Brianna. Ri got to use her new Hello Kitty lunch box (who knew Hello Kitty was back in fashion?!)
Go Steelers! Kyle at soccer practice - its finally cooling off in the mornings! Riley's fancy footwork!
Poor Kyle - being dressed up in Rileys nightgowns already!

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