Kyle battled a green marker today and lost. He is still mama's boy but is also very independent, therefore every time he is asked to hold an adults hand in the street, it is a throw down. Kyle is also now climbing to the top of the playground and coming down on his own.
Riley loves preschool and loves playing with her brother. Her new favorite thing to play is "school", where either Tracy or Eric is the school teacher to her favorite dolls and stuffed animals and she is the mommy. After she tells us what the lesson for the day should be, she leaves us to teach while she goes off to school. Eric enjoys this game b/c this allows him to watch sports center, where Tracy would prefer Riley "teach" with her:-) Tracy tried talking Riley into teaching with her earlier this week by explaining that she can be a teacher and a mommy. Riley paused while thinking about the suggestion and told Tracy, "hold on... I'm thinking about it..." The final decision was that she would be a mommy and a student. At least she was in the same room now!
Enjoy the pix!

Kyle going down the slide like a big kid!