Saturday, June 21, 2008

Happy LATE Daddy's day!

Riley and Kyle want to wish all the wonderful dads out there a Happy Late Fathers Day!

We spent out fathers day at Bebe's pool, swimming and just kicking back! Eric was pampered all day which hopefully makes up for the rest of weekend that he spent working on our ever improving backyard and deck!

Its been an extremely busy couple weeks. The weather was crazy hot for a week and now seems to be getting a lot better! We have spent a lot of time at the pool and Riley seems to like the water a lot more this year than last. Kyle is fearless and just jumps in whether you are ready or not. This is just one example of how different the kids are! Darcy and Lexa have joined us to play at the pool and that seems to give Riley some extra confidence. She just LOVES her cousin! Swim lessons started for all the kids this past week and so far, so good!!

Soon after our last post, Kyle got sick yet again! This time is was Mono! He's a popular little guy with the ladies:-) Kidding! As it turns out mono is very common in kids and it isn' t diagnosed very often b/c it just shows as a cold. However, it is a little less common in a child who is 13 months old! The doc drugged him up (steroids and an antibiotic) and he hung at home with mommy or daddy for the week. We've already been back for our follow up appointment and although is tonsils are still really big, his spleen feels great and he is no worse for wear (Eric and Tracy may have a few more grey hairs)!

Aside from that, Kyle is really coming into his own. He is a full time walker (still looks like a monkey walking!) and is much more likely to battle with his sister over whatever the moment calls for, rather than just giving in to her as he has in the past. He is still a super cuddler and is always smiling.

Riley had an exciting 2 days at school! Every Tuesday for the rest of the summer, the ice cream man now comes to school and on Wednesday her class gets to play on the lily pad on the playground. The lily pad is a huge sprinkler contraption and she and her friends had a blast this week getting wet and running their little tails off!

We are currently in NC with Grandma and Papa, but those stories and pix will have to wait!
Enjoy the pix!

Day at the pool with the Umsteads - Kyle and Lexa are enjoying a puddle during adult swim. (White boy has to wear the goofy hat per mom!)

One of our many quarantined days spent out back. Ri ended up with a crazy high fever as well.


More backyard play, showcasing the newly finished old deck and the new canape - thank you Bebe!
She wore her, itty bitty, tinny weeny...

Fathers day at Bebe's house

Kyle with one of his many security balls!

Kyle's 1st day jumping in.

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