Tuesday, May 29, 2012

April Catch Up!!

And now for our April update!!  A few more egg hunts (see below for more on Easter!)

 Spring Break - Kings Dominion trip (Kyle is now tall enough to ride the Ghoster Coaster w/o us! and Riley is riding just about everything)

 Petting zoo at the mall!
Sleeping children - love it!

 Our Daisys went to Bear Creek Lake Park in the rain and planted trees and learned about water and bugs!  They were such troopers and we all had a blast!

Easter was a blast! egg hunts out back, loads of candy and we had lunch with the ENTIRE family at the Omni (Justin's parents plus all of us) and guess what??? Darcy and Justin are having a baby!! YEAAA!!

T-ball has begun and Kyle LOVES playing!!  He is really picking up the game fast and is stopping balls and making outs! 

 We also went to the zoo with Riley 1st grade class!

March 2012 - catch up!

Happy March (even though it is May:-(  I'm behind!!)  There is no way to catch up other than through pictures!!

Our annual St. Patties day festival in the KC-hood was a blast as always!!  This year Rosie Souls and the Rock n Roll Cowboys played and everyone, including the kids LOVED it!!  Below are pix of the newest fans:-)

Riley also started playing guitar!  She is really picking is up fast!

Those tricky little leprechauns visited the house again this year!  You can see feet prints on the window and what a mess they made of the kitchen!

This year Riley school moved field day from June to March - this time it was actually cold!  We just can't win but the kids had a blast!
 It is hard to believe, but that is Riley actually participating in group games!!  She is coming out of her shell:-)

We brought the girls to a Manners Tea for Daisys - adorable!

 Our 4th annual Grace Easter Egg hunt was at the end of March - another beautiful day!!