I was way to far behind on the last entry to fully catch up so here is more! Over all, everyone has been relatively healthy...
Ri got the stomach bug and was out of school for 3 days - it almost killed her (being out of school, not the actual vomiting!) Kyle also had the stomach bug a few weeks earlier and after covering his room in vomit, he was so proud to then catch it all in the puke bowl! Kyle also had some
respiratory issues recently, but is in much better shape now. We spent some time with the doc but as it turns out, it had been 10 months since his last sick appointment - I think he is finally outgrowing it!
Poor little sick Ri!
As I mentioned, Riley still loves school! She can read anything and so far,
excelling in all areas! Each grading period, a child from every class is given an award. Riley received the "Responsibility" award recently and we all got to attend an assembly to watch her receive it.
waiting to be called up on stage... a little nervous!
I received an email from Ri's teacher recently - I was out of town so I instantly expected the worst. This is what it said, "Riley has had 2 marriage proposals today. Both children are fueding over who will get to marry her! So cute!"
Below is an example of her school work - love that kid!!
Her teacher is wonderful and on valentines day, she gave the kids an
icecream party (which was really a lesson in money! how cool!) I was able to go into class and help scoop - Kindergarten is FUN!
Kyle has had a couple parties too! His new teacher is by far the most creative person I've ever met! Our kids really have it good!!
Our Daisy troop has also been very active. We've attended World Thinking Day, renovated the garden at the Ronald McDonald house, and visited a nursing home.
There have also been a lot of fun parties - swimming, jumping, and pizza!
Riley's award said that she was being recognized for showing responsibility when, "she follows school expectations, completes work, and shows kindness to her peers each day. She also helps others whenever she gets a chance" (written by Mrs. Sullivan)
This is Riley receiving her award!