1st, Happy Birthday GRANDMA! What a fun visit we had with Grandma and Papa after their trips to Tenn, Tx, and then Cancun! We celebrated with the whole family at our house and feasted on mexican and gourmet cup cakes!
The past two weeks have also been HUGE for the Steelers, so obviously our household is pretty happy! Below is a pix of Riley on Spirit day - the friday before the Championship win! Today (monday after the win) she wore her black Steelers jersey to school! Speaking of school, in an email recently, her teacher said, "Riley has the wonderful gift of picking up on whatever's being taught. She's a great listener and retains information very well." My thoughts on that, "Yippee!!" One last thought on Riley - she is selling GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!!! Let me know if you are interested in buying a box! She is a first year daisy, so we are going easy on sales, however she is enjoying the sales part a lot more than I am!! (I'll try to post a Daisy pix soon!)
My Steelers Crew!
Justin got the kids Aqua Sand for xmas and they've been LOVING it! Look at crazy eyes below! LOL
Justin got the kids Aqua Sand for xmas and they've been LOVING it! Look at crazy eyes below! LOL
Gymnastics is over for now - Riley enjoyed it but decided to take a break for a while.
She has the pink pants on (the gym is COLD)
Kyle is still our little sweetie - however starting to get more and more... personality! The other day we were all at the store and he was acting crazy. I got down on his level and told him that he was not behaving and needed to pull it together. His response, "I don't want to behave... I punch you!" With that he gently put his fist to my arm and then looked like he was going to bust out crying. We dealt with his attitude appropriately, however only after we pulled ourselves together so that he couldn't see us laughing our butts off!
Unfortunately, K started puking this past Thursday - all evening! After covering his entire room in vomit, I got him the blue bowl - around here it is known as the puke bowl. The next few times he threw up, it landed only in the bowl and he was soooo proud of himself! The Surratt family cherish the little things:-)