We've had a busy and exciting couple weeks! This year we gave Ri the choice of a birthday party or Great Wolf Lodge and she picked a fun, fun time at Great Wolf!! Riley also lost her 1st legit tooth (meaning she didn't knock this one out accidentally!)! The tooth fairy left her a gold coin and fairy dust all over (her favorite part!)
We got to GW before dinner on Friday and played for a few hours in the water and then ate dinner in the room:
After dinner, we went to the lobby for story time, a magic show, and the big clock tower show:
Sooo tired, but still they stayed up till 10:30pm!
The next morning we were back at the park by 9am and stayed until nearly 3pm! The kids loved every minute! Riley couldn't get enough of all the water slide, Lexa loved the wave pool and the big water bucket, and Kyle loved it all (however after going down the big slides once each, he was done with the big slides!)
The big bucket - the girs are under all that water!
Riley is still loving school. Her teacher is wonderful and Ri looks forward to going to school each and every day! Her first report card was great and she is reading above expectations - every day we see huge leaps in what she is capable of reading - it is amazing! We've also gotten to know a bunch of the older kids that live near us b/c of the bus stop. Riley and Kyle both love the big kids and have a blast playing with them daily! Riley is now crossing the monkey bars easily and Kyle can pump his legs on the swing.
At the playground!