The summer is going by much to fast but Tracy and Kyle got to take a couple days off from it all and sit around the house... Kyle spent the last part of the weekend and the first part of this week fighting another virus... he is doing great now, but struggled with a high temp and sore legs. It was strange, he would complain of his legs hurting when he first woke up, but after a hour or so, he was running around as fast as ever. The sore legs went away with the fever and all are healthy at the
Surratt household! During all of this, Kyle discovered the movie "Cars" and now asks 3000 times a day to watch, "race cars on TV"!
On Friday, we spent the morning with
Cerys and then off to playgroup at Duffy &
Kates house. The kids had a blast - in fact they had so much fun, they both napped! Which was great b/c after naps we went to the inflatable palace for some
jumping birthday fun for Ruthie and Madeline! To top off the night, Bebe came over to hang with the kids while Eric, Tracy, and Darcy went to see the Wailers - fun night for everyone!
Saturday was just as much fun beginning with a family pool
outing and then over to the
O'Sullivans for dinner. Enjoy the pix!
Cerys, Kyle, Riley, Kaitlyn, and Caleb watching... you guessed it, CARS!

Kyle and
Cerys enjoying a beer, I mean dessert!
Some of us found the accidental placement of the empties amusing:-)
Ri working on a master piece on her new whiteboard

The final product - the Birthday Girls!

Kyle hanging with an orange fish

Crazy face! She had
soooo much fun at the Inflatable Palace and wants to have her birthday party there as well.

Josh, Kyle, and Riley - these three had to have gone down the slide together 20 times!

Up, Up, Up he goes!