We are not sure where the days have gone but we some how missed out on last weeks blog! Riley and Kyle have had a fun couple weeks! Kyle found and fought another bug which caused his temp to reach 103.8 but smiled through it all like usual! Kyle's new favorite past time is to run circles though the house yelling "Fly"! It is too cute!!
Riley informed us last week that she has a boy friend from school, Andrew. This is the 1st boyfriend that she has had that Tracy & Eric have not known and we definitely are not ready for this! LOL!
The kids had playgroup at the inflatable palace this week and can't wait to go back! We also spent a lot of time outside playing, biking, chalk, bubbles... etc.... We love SPRING! And don't for get the Leprechauns! St. Patricks Day came with tons of fun and mischief from the leprechauns! They left green foot prints all over the kitchen windows and some how forgot a pile of chocolate gold which Riley and Kyle happily inhaled! We also spent both of the last 2 Saturday evenings with the Lamberts having pizza and playing. All four kids play so well and the adults get to sit! Its Wonderful! We also had a fun sleep over with Lexa last weekend. Lexa informed me that she and Riley were going to stay up all night long. I told her that was fine as long as they didn't talk or get out of bed... they were happy with that compromise!
And most importantly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA!! We hope you had a great day (tomorrow) and can't wait to see you! The kids LOVED making your present, so we hope it arrived and that you love it as much as they do!
Enjoy the few pix taken in the last 2 weeks!
Pizza and icecream with the Lamberts - impressive table of kiddos!
Ivy and Kyle sharing a snack