Tuesday, February 17, 2009


What a week! Kyle had his tonsils and adenoids removed on Thursday and as always, he was a trooper! During the pre-op, at least 4 different nurses and doctors came to check him out and each time he happily took deep breaths and lifted his little hospital gown so they could put the stethoscope on his chest. He was probably only out of our arms for a little over an hour (Tracy and Eric handled it all very well!) and was very happy to be back with mommy and daddy when it was all over.

As soon as we got home he inhaled 2 apple sauce cups and a half a banana - the anesthesia was still working well! The next 5 days have been more challenging however he continues to sip juice well and eat the occasional pancake. We now know he loves chocolate shakes and he can give or take a popsicle! He has also been battling a high fever, which the doctors say is a secondary infection but as to be expected from Kyle, he always has a smile ready!!

Tracy and Eric have had their fair share of Blues Clues and the Letter Factory and are ready for our little man to be back to his normal vibrant self:-) We are also ready for his breath to stop STINKING!! Eric plans to hang an air freshener around his neck! Oh, one more thing - Kyles vocab has already increased a lot! All we can figure was having two huge water balloons in his throat has prevented him from even trying to say certain words!

Riley has definitely benefited from Kyles distress! She has had more popsicles and icecream than we can count (each time Kyle refuses it, Riley willingly finishes it for him) and she has enjoyed many fun excursions (to keep her happy while Kyle is home on the mend sitting in mommy's lap) She spent a fun morning jumping at Kangaroo Jacs with Lexa and Aiden, went to the park to run, scooter, and feed the ducks, and a couple dinners and lunches out with Daddy!

The Surratt Pack hopes to be back to their regular 100 mile an hour lives by next week - enjoy the pix!

Riley on the new rock wall at the park.

Riley at the park enjoying a little fresh air!
Riley hamming it up!

Kyle pre-op - still all smiles!
Considering we pulled him out of bed at 5am, this is very impressive!
Kyle & Tracy post-op
Kyle eating!! Chocolate chip pancakes and some extra cho-chips!
What ever it takes to get him to eat:-)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Snow at last

Another busy and fun week for Ri and Kyle! Riley started dance class and Kyle figured out how to get ALL of his clothes off!! but the pix tell the week better than I can!

Lexa and Riley ready to play in the snow at Wintergreen!
Riley going to the top of Rigley park to tube!
She was a little dare devil and didn't want to leave.
Kyle and Eric playing in the snow! The temp was in the high 50's - gloves were not required!
Kyle only tubes a couple times - he loved all the other toys more.

The kids playing out back after a fun day in the snow.
Kyle loves coloring with Riley now.

Mr. Suave
Riley's dance class
Riley playing with Ivy

Riley tubing!

Kyle playing in the snow.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Go Steelers

Another exciting week for the Surratt Pack! GO STEELERS! Riley has already experienced 2 super bowl wins in her short 4 years and now Kyle gets one before he is 2! Yippee!

The kids are great - Kyle is fighting a cough, but we are working hard to get rid of it before the tonsil and adenoid surgery in a week or so. Kyles verbal skill are increasing and he attempts many more words and has mastered many as well.

Riley loves school and has mastered her address and almost has her phone number down. She is constantly a little mama to Kyle (even when Kyle doesn't want it), however has also learned to push his buttons!

This week we had a great dinner with Bebe and Aunt Becky before she headed back to Cali. We also celebrated Ivy's 2nd bday - Happy Birthday Ivy! Riley decided today, since she can't marry Daddy, she is going to marry Aiden and Kyle could marry Ivy. Watch out Lamberts, you could be connected to us for life!
Riley also had a fun night at the pool with Daddy while Bebe watch Kyle and Tracy went out with the girls. And to top off the week, Grandma and Papa got back into town after 2 weeks in New Zealand and Australia and we had a great dinner to celebrate Grandma's missed bday! Happy Late Birthday Grandma!!
Enjoy the pix:
The poor child knows how to give himself breathing treatments!
He'll do anything for a Blues Clues!
Papa and Kyle at dinner

Riley & Lexa at dinner - 2 peas in a pod!

Grandma and Kyle at dinner

Naked White Boy!

Playing out side on Sunday - GREAT weather and Great Game!

Our little Steeler Fans!