Monday, January 28, 2008

And we begin now...

After many years of thinking, wanting, and meaning to... we finally begin blogging today! (Thanks for the extra pressure Darcy!) Riley is now 3 years and 3 months and Kyle is almost 9 months, so we are officially over 3 years behind. Which is probably what has kept us from getting started... how do you start?? The thought of trying to recap the last 3 1/2 year freaks me out, so we are just going to begin NOW!

We spent last weekend with Grandma and Papa to celebrate Grandma's 60th birthday! Happy Birthday again Grandma!! It was wet and COLD, especially for NC, but we had a great time just hanging out at home. Riley and Sammy are officially/finally friends and Eric got though not being able to play golf due to the rain by watching the playoff games on Papas new 47inch LCD television. If I can ever figure out how to get pix off my cell phone, I'll post the great shots of Grandma in the big sombrero when we went out for Mexican!! (Even though it was cold and wet, Grandma gave Riley the option of going out or staying in for dinner and she picked out for Mexican!)
Kyle has masted the army crawl and can now go from laying down to sitting up on his own. Between that and his amazing ability to roll faster than a speeding bullet, we already despise mobility! Aside from that this past weekend was uneventful - Tracy got out with some friends Friday night for a chick flix (27 dresses, of course!) and a couple drinks (we are officially done nursing!). Saturday Bebe and Mamo came over for dinner and on Sunday Aunt Darcy made dinner for us! Aside from eating, there was shopping and even church!
Enjoy the pix!

(disclaimer: although we have every intend to post weekly, the likelihood of that happening is slim!)

Papa and Riley waiting for cake!

Sammy and Kyle chillin on the floor.

Tracy over loaded with the boys.

Riley and Sammy - friends at last!